LUCID is a 2D-animated web comic which follows a young woman named Samantha, who is obsessed with the idea of lucid dreaming as a means to gain some control over her boring life. Her best friend, Izzy, introduces her to her uncle, who teaches them an easy way to induce lucid dreaming. After trying the new method, Samantha and Izzy fall asleep and find themselves in a pasar malam, or night market, where they quickly realise how much danger they’re in.
Reverie is a project centered on the production of a comic book, developed through processes of
illustrative penciling, inking, editing and lettering, and features a book-length three act narrative. The graphic
novel is hand-drawn and inked by myself, and presented purely in black and white with additional digital
The story details a hero, Vesper is taken from a war between Dreams and Nightmares by an otherworldly
monster, into her subconscious which she must escape with the help of an unlikely ally. The short graphic
novel of about 30 pages deals with the themes of war, the search for truth and Good vs Evil. The story is an exploration of contradiction and how the grey areas of war are manipulated to serve the powers that be.
The project serves to educate me in the processes of learning the developmental aspects in the craft of comic book drawing, writing and publishing. The project itself is actually an opening chapter to a larger story I hope to continue writing and illustrating
in the future.
Redridden is a graphic storytelling assignment centered on the production of a short narrative comic, developed through processes of illustration with traditional penciling, inking, editing and lettering.
The story details a hero, Red in her quest to search for and rescue her werewolf companion, Nana from a vicious hunter, set in the post-apocalyptic ruins of Seattle. The short story deals with the themes of change and survival, and is an adaptation of the classic Grimm tale, the Little Red Riding Hood. The 8-page comic is hand-drawn and inked on paper by myself, and presented purely in red, black and white with additional digital refinement.
The project serves to educate me in the processes of learning the developmental aspects in the craft of comic book drawing, writing and publishing, and was an important foundational work and proof of concept for doing a graphic novel for my Final Year Project.