Essence of Hawker Centres

Singapore is renowned as a food haven, largely due to our hawker foods. However, with the city-state’s rapid digitalisation and growth, it has become increasingly challenging to preserve the traditional hawker culture. Consequently, it is likely that hawker centres in Singapore will undergo significant changes, and the cultural landscape of hawker culture will inevitably shift in the near future. To combat this, this project’s main objective will be to archive and document hawker centres through the eyes of locals, with the aim of preserving the rich culture that these hawker centres embody.


By exploring the subtleties and nuances of hawker centres across the city-state, this project hopes to uncover the true essence of hawker culture in Singapore. This will not only foster a sense of identity amongst the local community but also serve to celebrate the unique hawker culture that has flourished in Singapore for generations. By documenting and archiving the cultural significance of these hawker centres, the project aims to preserve this vibrant part of Singapore’s heritage for future generations to appreciate and cherish.