No Name Nomad

Have you thought about what your life would be like outside of the one you know?

No Name Nomad is a visual storybook encapsulating the various quirks and wonders from the mystical country that our main character visits. Follow our nameless nomad as she journeys outside her home country and explores what the outside world has to offer. As her journey goes on, she unpacks dark feelings from her past and trauma back in her home country.


Fractured is an autobiographical project that consists of illustrations put into a narrative format, to record personal struggles in life involving suicidal ideation.

Harbouring and expressing suicidal thoughts is often seen as taboo and referred to as a weakness, even if the thoughts are fleeting. Expressing these thoughts and seeking help are the most commonly recommended and effective way in easing such thoughts, but the Asian mindset of keeping ones’ problems to oneself is an obstacle for such treatment, and it is detrimental to those inflicted especially if these thoughts start from young.

This project aims to increase the visibility and sympathy for people in similar situations as I, and to offer ways to cope with such thoughts.