Not Today Failure: A Beginner’s Journal to Overcoming Fear of Failure

In today’s society, the fear of failure is often attributed to societal pressure, fear of judgement, and high self-imposed or societal expectations. As a result, failure has become stigmatised. “Not Today Failure” is a project that addresses this fear through a guided journal filled with insights from the designer, short comics, and writing prompts. The project’s goal is to educate and inspire readers to take the first steps towards overcoming their fear of failure in a genuine and engaging way.


Life goes on. Once in a while, if you decide to pause and turn around to look back, you will find that life is, full of beautiful moments worth savouring.

「素时锦年」 is an illustration series about reviewing the past and savouring the memory through Chinese childhood inspired by my childhood memories from Shanghai, China.


An experiment on non-conventional printed narratives and storytelling. Adopting traits of ergodic literature, it is a fictional graphic novel/cookbook whose narratives are unravelled through recipes, journals, emails and game(s). As an ergodic, experimental text, it requires the reader to explore the various visuals, texts and formats to fully discover the narrative.


The story follows an unidentified creature seeking to impress a cashier by writing a cookbook, of which the book details its journey in writing the cookbook.

Let’s Get Crackin’

‘Get cracking’ means to get started with something quickly. With Singapore’s fast-paced lifestyle, we often forget to fully immerse ourselves in the moment, thus overlooking the little joys in life. Even the act of eating might become a mindless activity, where people rush to finish their meals to continue on with their bustling lives, without savouring the food they are consuming. In Singapore, with the advent of convenience foods or processed foods, and the growing prioritisation of careers and academics in families, there is a decline of home cooking, and children have fewer opportunities to be involved in cooking and planning their meals. Cooking becomes a chore and a hindrance, and people increasingly turn to eating out or taking away food.

Let’s Get Crackin’ seeks to spark joy and interest in food and cooking in children, and help them get in touch with food, using a fun, creative and mindful approach. It comprises an illustrated step-by-step recipe book with engaging activities and educational information that aims to build healthy and joyful relationships with food, together with a kit containing cooking tools and items that would ease children into getting started in their food and cooking journey.

Blue encounters: nurturing our relationship with the ocean

Blue Encounters is a project that brings the ocean into the urban context. It offers a ‘blue’ way of looking at everyday urban encounters, encouraging meaningful connections with the ocean through indirect urban objects/experiences, and direct, mindful engagement with the sea. By shifting our minds from the urban red to oceanic blue, this project aims to bridge the distance between urban adults and the ocean, allowing us to experience its restorative effects on our well-being and deepen our connection with it.