Bit of Quantum

In the view of humankind’s unending pursuit of the true meaning of existence, where does the question of ‘where we come from’ fit in? A word play on the unit profile in Quantum and how this installation presents a teensy bit of the vast amount of information documented about Quantum Theory. Bit of Quantum is an audio-visual installation, that serves as a glimpse into the improbable subatomic workings in the core of our sun.



escape/entrap is a series exploring the idea of a different reality as experienced by the artist.

A common sentiment among millennials today is their wish to keep seeing new places, to leave wherever they usually work and live. They agonize over how small their world is and how there is nothing new. It is as if being trapped in a maze of our own making, be it in the physical or the emotional sense. Through this series, the artist attempts to create an escape on another plane of reality, however temporary, within the trappings.

The escape is created through learning how to see again through clearer eyes, without preconceived notions, without memories, without attachments.

Experimental Animation : N

N intends to be an inquisitive journey into the interpretation of growth. Using classical music as primary direction, the work delves into growth’s multitudinous aspects and representations. Visuals and sound intertwine to reinforce each other and propel the work forward. The progression of the project culminates in a narrative for the viewer. It aims to expand on convention and push boundaries in terms of what is universally understood and accepted as growth.