A Guide for Green Little Beings: How to See Plants

A Guide for Green Little Beings: How to See Plants embarks on an exploration of the Singaporean relationship with nature through the perspective of a fictional space programme, SPARC. As SPARC documents its discoveries of alien exploration on Earth, it uncovers intriguing insights by the aliens into the various aspects of humanity’s eroding relationship and behaviours towards terrestrial nature.

Through the narrative of SPARC’s discoveries, it offers a commentary on the urgent need to reconstruct our bond with nature, urging for a redefinition, relearning, and appreciation of our natural world.

Urip Iku Urup – Life is like a flame

Singapore is well-known around the world for its multi-racialism which consists of a few main races such as Indians, Chinese and Malay. It is known that the Chinese race can be broken down into further groups such as Hokkien, Cantonese, Teochew, and Hakka. Though this knowledge is common in Singapore, not many know that the Malay race can be broken down to different groups too, like the Chinese. Majority of the Malay race consists of Singaporeans whose ancestry comes from Indonesia such as the Javanese, Boyanese, Bugis and Minangkabaus.

This project aims to tell a narrative of a family of Javanese heritage living in modern Singapore through the medium of Batik. Its designs are filled with different motifs and colour to represent the stories that were shared during the interviews with the chosen individuals from 4 different generations. A zine book will also assist in describing the information of the Batik and the video interview will aid with the understanding of the stories shared.

Belonging In Our Belongings

Belonging In Our Belongings examines a redefinition of home through a personal narrative and investigates the details of our belongings; the mundane around us that is often overlooked. Drawing from the ever so familiar space and definition of home, this project looks at how human beings situate themselves in a home, or perhaps, many different homes throughout one’s lifetime. Although typically portraying a safe space, every individual’s definition of home varies from one another. This space often encapsulates objects such as personal keepsakes, and these objects have a story to tell. 

Grasping onto the concept of nostalgia and sense of belonging to objects, this project provides an opportunity to share my story as a third culture kid and explore the relationship between objects, identity, and creating a sense of home in a place away from home – making up for the lack of a permanent space to do so.

i can’t even

In recent years, the world has been getting increasingly more aware of mental health issues. Besides therapy and consultations, there are more products created to support people with mental health issues, such as mindfulness journals, exercise guides, and even music playlists. However, the products are usually generalized. A self-care kit made specifically for me, i can’t even aims to retell the story of how my personal experience with mental health.

This project is intended to encourage the audience to learn about mental health and realize that people with mental health issues may have different mindsets and reactions to their situations. Through that, the audience is also encouraged to reflect on their own mental health and the way they cope with difficult days.

i can’t even

In recent years, the world has been getting increasingly more aware of mental health issues. Besides therapy and consultations, there are more products created to support people with mental health issues, such as mindfulness journals, exercise guides, and even music playlists. However, the products are usually generalized. A self-care kit made specifically for me, i can’t even aims to retell the story of how my personal experience with mental health.

This project is intended to encourage the audience to learn about mental health and realize that people with mental health issues may have different mindsets and reactions to their situations. Through that, the audience is also encouraged to reflect on their own mental health and the way they cope with difficult days.