Water Book Sculptures

Focusing on the ‘Water Book’, my project investigates the meaning and the elements of the pictograms, and how these elements are constructed. The ‘Water Book’ pictograms reflected the water clan’s way of life, values or attitudes toward the universe, and the pictograms forged cultural symbols that resonate with their identity which only a few would understand. Therefore, as a young designer in this modern society, my project seeks to bridge the past and present by letting the audience understand the pictograms of ‘Water Book’ through the lens of design.


Sports has been commonly mistaken to be associated for just health or survival benefits, and a form of distraction to most who prize practicality. Rather, sports is tied closely to many domains of life that is beyond the value of sports itself. Sports, either recreational or competitive, can be used as a means to cultivate values, such as respect, discipline and teamwork, which are commonly undermined in many other life areas. For that reason, this design study seeks to explore and visualize how can unorganized sports activities be of benefit as a source of value creation to each Singaporean individual by highlighting the importance of potential learning through sports.

Unstable Bodies

The work aims to explore the concept of monstrosity in a world of mundanity, creating a hyperbolic dystopia that brings to light the horrors of the everyday. Drawing from the sensational Sada Abe Incident that spurred the ero-guro-nansensu movement in 1930s Japan, the work is an experimental illustrated narrative that reinterprets hellish landscapes, situations and characters. Looking to themes of horror, macabre, monstrosity, the abhuman and studies in abjection, I look to explore surrealist and absurdist illustration while experimenting with the creation and curation of narratives in different forms, informing the experience.

Forest of Growth

Singapore underwent countless changes, rising from a third-world country to a modern metropolitan city. Singapore’s education system went through changes at the same time, adapting accordingly to the external landscapes and internal needs of a nation to thrive. The education stages had to be planed carefully keeping in mind that the strong foundations will be crafting the future of Singapore and = will make a difference for young to thrive and grow. This project aims to reflect on the evolution of Singapore’s education system from the past to the present, seeking to appreciate how the education system is formed and structured based on Singapore’s social-cultural norms.


Trich is a graphic novel that aims to explore how illustration and narratives can highlight and communicate psychological, social and emotional concerns by a person with Trichotillomania (a hair-pulling disorder).

Drawing from my personal experiences, the work is targeted towards others with Trichotillomania and their loved ones, to spread awareness and understanding on the condition.