How To Be Human

‘How To Be Human’ presents a fictional setting where our autonomy and individuality are completely nonexistent. Via a satirical lens, the project criticises our desperate need for clarity in a chaotic world, which Albert Camus referred to as ‘The Absurd’. In this fictional setting, humans are each assigned a package containing all the information about their lives including when they will die, their career path, traits and preferences. The project will also give a peek into what a manual on how to be human would look like, highlighting four principles that require human beings to be: 1) Mechanical, 2) Rational, 3) Static and 4) Compliant.
The project invites the audience to reflect on our habit of conformity, ridiculous social conventions and our slow descent into a completely mechanical human life. When provided with information on everything about your life, would you feel relieved by the lack of ambiguity or would you instead have a greater appreciation of your personal freedom?



Understanding the significance of universal words of expression and its place in Singaporean culture


Through a typographic mural installation, documentary film and editorial design, this project questions the meanings and applied impacts of three universally known but deceptively simple phrases: “Thank you”, “I’m sorry, please forgive me” and “I love you”. This project seeks to further understand the underlying value of how these phrases are expressed in family units, by engaging young adults in an open conversation. Ultimately, the project aims to inspire a higher quality of positive communication in the home, by propelling viewers to reconsider the meanings and profound impacts of speaking these words in day-to-day conversations with their kin.