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What do different babies hear in multilingual Singapore? How do different families’ language mixes shape learning as babies grow? When do little Singaporean children learn local words such as “mam-mam” and “shee-shee”? How do these words contribute to early language learning? Help us discover the answer to these questions!

Who are we?

Our team of researchers come from various educational, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds! This helps us understand more about the colourful and unique language landscape in Singapore. Find out more about us!


What are some tips for parents on language development in young children? What does research tell us about language development? What are some recent happenings in the lab? Our team members wrote it all down in our BLIP Blog!

How do we connect information across our different senses? How is language a part of this process? At BLIP lab, we investigate how learning particular languages might shape the way we experience our world. We are interested in how we use different sounds to represent meanings, and different shapes to represent sounds. We use methods from cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics and neuroscience to investigate Brain, Language and Intersensory Perception (BLIP).

BLIP is a Lab in the Division of Psychology at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

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