Phase 1
In Phase 1, you will be asked to participate in 3 activities:
- Surveys
- Voicemail Game
- Video Call Storytime with our researcher
Altogether, the surveys will take around an hour to complete. We will ask you some questions about your family’s language usage and language beliefs and ask that you provide an estimation of what words your child knows and uses.
Altogether, the Voicemail Game will take less than half an hour to complete. We will be sending you some prompts e.g. single words printed on a card over WhatsApp, ask you to record yourself reading these words and send the recordings back to us.
Altogether, the Video Call Storytime with our researcher may take less than an hour to complete. We will be presenting a picture book on the screen while you read the story to your child. If you choose not to turn on the camera function during the video call, please let us know, and we can make special arrangements for you and your child.
Phase 2
In Phase 2, you will be asked to participate in 2 activities:
- Surveys
- Video Call Storytime with our researcher
Altogether, the survey will take an hour to complete. We will ask you questions about activities you do with your child, how the Circuit Breaker may have changed you and your child’s daily schedule and routines, and some follow-up on the words your child knows and uses.
The Video Call Storytime will be similar to the one in Phase 1.
Phase 3
In Phase 3, you will be asked to participate in 2 activities:
- Surveys
- Video Call Storytime with our researcher
Altogether, the survey will take an hour to complete. We will ask for your feedback on the study and the materials we have provided and ask for some follow-up regarding the words your child knows.
The Video Call Storytime will be similar to the one in Phase 1.
For your participation, you may receive remuneration of up to $80 in Phase 1 and Phase 2, and an additional remuneration of up to $45 upon completion of Phase 3. Completion of the tasks in each Phase will also earn you chances in our lucky draw – BLIP lab Goody Bag and NTUC vouchers worth up to $150 in total!
If you have a child between 8-36 months old and are interested, please fill out the sign-up form here!
Have any questions about our study? You can visit our FAQ page here.