Big Mixup at Alien Zoo


Thanks to all the people who participated! And thank you for your interest in our work. Would you like to play another game?

There has been a mixup at Alien Zoo. The aliens have escaped, and they are all jumbled up. Can you help the zookeepers get the aliens back to the right part of the zoo based on how they sound, or what they look like?
This is a game designed for children, but it is very useful if adults play along too, so that we can compare your answers to the way kids play the game. In this online version, you have to be an adult to take part. Click on the picture to play.

This short Quiz is helping us discover more about connections between seeing and hearing!

This quiz runs best using laptop and desktop computers, as the sounds may not play on mobile devices.

This Quiz has been developed by Woon Fei Ting and Shang Nan, students in the BLIP Lab at NTU Singapore, working with supervisor Suzy Styles.
Fei Ting

If you have further questions, or comments you can contact Fei Ting.