At BLIP Lab we are investigating how people connect information across the senses, how sensory systems develop and how language is involved in these processes. You can read more about our recent research discoveries in our BLIP Bites. These bite-sized research reports describe research that has been recently published, so you can find out about how we connect information across the senses, including our discoveries about the point of pitch, what happens if you test bouba and kiki in the Himalayas, and looking at the letters for “oo” and “ee” in Cherokee.
You can also find out more about our ongoing projects on language development in BLIP Kids, and BLIP Baby.
Selected Publications
Shang N & Styles SJ (2017). Is a high tone pointy? Degree of pitch-change in lexical tone predicts of sound-to-shape correspondences in Chinese bilinguals. Frontiers. 8(2139), 1-13. Open Access:
Turoman N & Styles SJ (2017). Glyph Guessing for ‘ee’ and ‘oo’: Spatial frequency information and sound symbolic matching in ancient and unfamiliar scripts. Royal Society Open Science, 4(170882), 1-14. Open Access:
Styles SJ & Gawne L (2017). When does maluma/takete fail? Two key failures and a meta-analysis suggest that phonology and phonotactics matter. i-Perception, 8(4), 1-17. Open Access:
Ković V, Sučević J & Styles SJ (2017). To call a cloud ‘cirrus’: Sound symbolism in names for categories or items. PeerJ, 5(e3466), 1-18. Open Access:
Hung SM, Styles SJ & Hsieh PJ (2017). Can a word sound like a shape before you have seen it? Sound-shape mapping prior to conscious awareness. Psychological Science, 28(3), 263-275.
Styles, SJ (2016). The language of dance: Testing a model of cross-modal communication in the performing arts. ICMA Array, Lindborg PM & Styles SJ (Eds.) Special Issue: Proceedings of Si15, Singapore August 2015, 35-42. Open Access:
Sučević J, Savić, A, Popović A, Styles SJ & Ković V (2015). Balloons and bavoons vs spikes and shikes: ERPs reveal shared neural processes for shape-sound-meaning congruence in words, and shape-sound congruence in pseudowords. Brain & Language, 145-146, 11-22.
Styles SJ, Plunkett K & Duta MD (2015). Infant VEPs reveal neural correlates of implicit naming: Lateralized differences between lexicalized versus name-unknown pictures. Neuropsychologia, 77, 177-84. (Open Access link)
Duta MD, Styles SJ & Plunkett K (2012). ERP correlates of unexpected word forms in a picture-word study of adults and infants. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2, 223-234. (Link)
Styles SJ & Plunkett K, (2011). ‘Early Links in the Early Lexicon’, in G Gaskell & P Zwitzerlood (eds) Lexical representation: a multi-disciplinary approach (pp.51-88). Mouton de Gruyter: Berlin. (Pre-press pdf)
Styles SJ & Plunkett K (2009). How do infants build a semantic system? Language and Cognition 1(1),1-24. (Pre-press pdf)
Styles SJ & Plunkett K (2009). What is ‘word understanding’ for the parent of a one-year-old? Matching the difficulty of a lexical comprehension task to parental CDI report, Journal of Child Language, 36, 895-908. (Pre-press pdf)
Styles SJ, Arias-Trejo N & Plunkett K (2008). Lexical priming and interference in infancy, In Love BC, McRae K & Sloutsky VM, (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society, 651-656.