In July, BLIP Lab attended a conference all about Vision – The Asia Pacific Conference on Vision. BLIP Lab PhD student Shang Nan presented a poster outlining her latest work on links between hearing and vision for people with different experience speaking the Chinese language (abstract). Asst Prof Suzy Styles gave a presentation about how people connect different kinds of visual shapes to the ‘voices’ of different instruments, and an invited talk about how different streams of evidence suggest that language development not only shapes auditory perception of the language itself, but also influences linkages between sight and sound. You can read the abstracts using the links below:
Shang N & Styles SJ (2015) ‘Language background changes audio-visual mapping of shapes-to-sounds,’ Poster presented at the Asia Pacific Conference on Vision, July 2015, Singapore.
Styles SJ (2015) ‘Giving shape to the voices of instruments: Audio-visual correspondences between spatial and temporal frequencies,’ Asia Pacific Conference on Vision, July 2015, Singapore.
Styles SJ (2015), ‘Perceptual tuning and its multisensory outcomes: Language adaptation influences crossmodal processing,’ Asia Pacific Conference on Vision, July 2015, Singapore.