Author Archives: #SU CHUN-YU#

About #SU CHUN-YU#

EX Batch 2014 LIVE created on 25/11/2014

Fourth Team Meeting

21 March 10 PM – 12.30 AM @ Skype

Member(s) Present: Jim, Kurtz, Simin, Xinyi, Zhong Han & Andy

Topics Discussed:

  • Decided the content for the first video
  • Did slides including definitions of chemical concepts for the first video
  • Decided that Cindy will do voiceover using Powepoint and Zhong han will support if slides and voiceover need to combine together

Tasks to be done before the next meeting:

  • The first video including voiceover and slideshows should be finished (Cindy, Zhong Han)
  • Think how to present the next video  (All Members)
  • Finish the blog (All Members)

Third Team Meeting

18 March 4.30PM – 5PM @ NTU

Member(s) Present: Jim, Kurtz, Simin, Xinyi & Zhong Han

Absent: Andy had to leave early due to a meeting

Topics Discussed:

  • Decided that we should be doing a PowerPoint based video with voiceover for the video
  • Talked about how we can further beautify the blog for Greenlight
  • Decided to further discussion over Skype as it was getting late

Tasks to be done before the next meeting:

  • To get the rough content out for the videos. (All Members)
  • Decide who will be doing the editing and voice commentary for the videos. (All Members)
  • Clean up the blog more ( Zhong han, Kurtz, Andy)

Second Team Meeting

16 March 3.30 PM – 4.30 PM @ NTU

Member(s) present: Andy, Jim, Kurtz, Simin, Xinyi and Zhonghan.

Topics discussed:

  • Distribution of work load (Editing the pages and tidying up the blog space)
  • Video assignment

Tasks to be done before the next meeting:

  • Update blog on Chemical Concepts page and Implications on Society page. (Kurtz, Simin, XInyi and Zhonghan)
  • Tidy up the blog to make it look more comprehensive. (Andy and Jim)
  • Brainstorm video ideas for discussion. (All members)

Plan of action:

  • The two pages to be filled up by 17 March.
  • Next meeting will be video making.

First Team Meeting

7 February 4.00 PM – 5.00 PM @ NTU

Member(s) present: Andy, Jim, Kurtz, Xinyi and Zhonghan.

Member(s) absent: Simin (Tuition)

Topics discussed:

  • Selection of topics to cover in the blog.
  • Complete topic outline that is to be submitted for viewing.

Tasks to be done before the next meeting:

  • Update blog on our own personal pages. (Respective team members)
  • Fill in the Introduction page. (Jim)

Plan of action:

  • Our topic will focus on the seasonal haze and how it leads to formation of acid rain.
  • Personal pages and introduction to be filled in by 9 Jan.