Sharetings is an on-going community-based Telegram Channel that facilitates the giving and receiving of unwanted, usable items, to maximize their use and value and to reduce waste in Singapore. The team believes that small actions can lead to big change,… Continue Reading →
While single-use plastics afforded consumers the benefit of convenience, they have a devastating environmental impact. Ciao Cutlery, Bye! was a student-led three-month campaign initiated to reduce the use of disposable cutlery throughout Nanyang Technological University (NTU) by inculcating the habit… Continue Reading →
Way Back Home SG was a campaign that aimed to tackle the stigma of dementia through targeted messaging and tactics. It demonstrated how a specific, targeted approach could change the attitudes and behaviour of even a target audience that had… Continue Reading →
RE-WIRED was a non-profit environmental awareness campaign that encouraged Singaporeans age 18 to 25 to reduce their e-waste by giving their small electronics a second life. E-waste is the fastest growing waste stream in the world. Singapore generates approximately 60,000… Continue Reading →
This project was commissioned to help a startup, Green Boulevard explore its range of starch-based products. The startup’s aim is to address the harmful effects that common disposables have towards the environment. Disposables if not properly disposed, will contaminate and… Continue Reading →
Let’s Talk Care is a health communication campaign that aimed to raise awareness about Advance Care Planning (ACP) in Singapore among Singaporeans aged 50 to 64 who do not have any life-threatening illnesses. ACP is a process where individuals plan… Continue Reading →
According to the Singapore Mental Health Study 2016, 1 in 7 people in Singapore have experienced a mental illness at some point in their lives. Of this number, more than three-quarters did not seek professional help, citing reasons such as… Continue Reading →
Strike Before Stroke is the first health communication campaign in Singapore to raise awareness about stroke among young adults aged 25 to 34. The campaign seeks to educate and empower young adults to become more informed about stroke and take… Continue Reading →
This health communication campaign, titled “Antibiotics: Not Your Cold Fix”, was organised in collaboration with KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH). It aimed to prevent antibiotics misuse among parents of children aged 0 to 12 years old. The campaign focused… Continue Reading →
There are so many things you could do in under a minute, why not make saving your life one of them? That’s the message that Balls’ in Your Court aimed to send across to local young men. Running from December… Continue Reading →
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