Category Decent Work and Economic Growth

Social Hackathon for Migrant Workers

Migrant workers have played an important role in Singapore’s progress: they’ve built our homes, cleaned our streets, served in our factories and taken care of our children. Despite these contributions, migrant workers face many problems and stigmatisation. In collaboration with… Continue Reading →

Breaking The Sound Barrier

Breaking The Sound Barrier is a public communication campaign that aims to encourage employers to hire the deaf in Singapore. Driven by four final year students from the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, the campaign engaged employers, human… Continue Reading →

Maid a Friend

Maid a Friend is a social campaign that seeks to increase the level of fulfillment among foreign domestic workers (FDWs) by encouraging household members to engage in meaningful conversation with them. Our strategies were guided by our key messages: Meaningful… Continue Reading →

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