There are four major research areas under the JIP Programme. The following are: Power Generation, Substructures, Transmissions and Grids and Installation O&M.
Today more than 20 doctoral projects are in progress, spanning resource forecasting, sub-structure studies, power generation, transmission, grid, installation, and maintenance. Some of the key research topics are:
- A Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean-Wave model for applications towards Air Sea Interaction during Tropical Cyclone
- Additive Manufacturing of High Tensile Strength Steel for Offshore & Marine 3D Complex Joint Applications
- Comparison of downburst non-synoptic windshear with windshear of ABL in urban and offshore context.
- Computational Intelligence Algorithms for Scheduling in Renewable Energy Systems
- Computational Intelligence in Renewable and Sustainable Energy
- Control of DC Microgrids with Integration of Renewable Energy Sources
- Coupled CGD and Depth-Integrated Modelling of Marine Structures
- Defect Analysis of Wind Turbine Blade Structure
- Design Modeling, Analysis and Optimization of Compliant Space Frame Structure in Moderate Water Depth Offshore Wind Application
- Enhanced Efficiency Electrical Generator Design
- Failure of composite material under biaxial loading
- First Principle Scour Model for Wind Turbine
- Loads and Analysis of a Downwind Offshore Floating Wind Turbine
- Lubricant Studies for Offshore Wind Turbines
- Modelling and control for Wind Turbine load Mitigation
- Preparation of Polyurethane Coating for Wind Turbine Blades
- Probability model for ignition of gas ingested by a gas turbine
- Tidal turbine farm optimisation
- Utilizing CFD Techniques in mesoscale scaling modeling for wind resource mapping
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