Fieldwork and Documentation

University Scholars Programme

Pre-Trip Projections

The upcoming TOPS trip is unlike any other overseas study trip I have experienced before because of my capacity as a USP scholar in NTU. As a USP scholar, I feel that certain qualities and skills are  and should be expected of myself, and I hope to develop these during the trip. Having an inquisitive mind and being self-motivated to carry out investigative research is one such scholarly value. I believe that the room for independent inquiry is well-balanced with the amount of guidance given to us for our research, and this creates an ideal environment to explore and encourage curiosity in learning. I believe that this trip can help me to nurture my thirst for knowledge, a motivation that will help me in all areas of academia, be it for TOPS, for USP or for my major.

Other skills I think valuable for a USP scholar to have are that of critical thinking and creativity. TOPS has been designed such that we are not spoon-fed how to go about carrying out our research and how to present out findings. I feel that it is hence an excellent avenue for us to showcase and develop independent thinking skills ­­­– analyzing situations to identify problems and considerations, coming up with ways to comprehensively resolve the issues and analyze the data. The media deliverable in particular is a component which I feel will encourage creative thinking, giving us the freedom to express our work in the most comprehensive and exciting ways we can think of. In every aspect of TOPS, I feel that the element of teamwork not only builds skills for working with others, but also allows for brainstorming and pooling of ideas, thus lending the right amount of peer support and input for a successful research project.

Even outside my capacity as a scholar, I believe the intercultural learning during the trip can enhance my university education and nurture me as a citizen of the world. Firstly, exposure to the cultures of others introduces new concepts and ways of thinking one might never even have thought of. To understand different perspectives and beliefs forces one to become more open-minded, challenging one’s long-held, conventional ways of thinking.

Secondly, intercultural exchange can increase not just our awareness but also appreciation of different cultures. To appreciate instead of simply learning about and understanding requires a certain degree of empathy as we put ourselves in others’ shoes and ways of thinking. As we try to see things their way and in their position, understanding the motives behind their practices, our perspectives are broadened and empathy nurtured. I feel that this is a first step to embracing the diverse range of cultures in the world, making us global citizens with the capacity to accept and value cultures widely different from our own.

On a personal level, I see TOPS as an opportunity to challenge myself and grow both as a scholar and as a person. I want to see new perspectives and try new things, especially things that may intimidate me – from plucking up the courage to interview a stranger on the street or facilitate a focus group discussion, to everyday things like trying new cuisines. I hope to immerse myself in the Thai culture in Chiang Mai as much as I can so as to have the most comprehensive understanding of their culture and heritage as possible, which is very relevant to our research and can help me to glean the most out of the trip. I wish not to let my inhibitions stop me from discovering and learning and having an overall holistic, fulfilling experience I will remember for years to come.

Vanessa Nah • December 31, 2015

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