Tea Culture in Southern Song Dynasty

The Painting of Tea Extraction/Grinding (宋劉松年攆茶圖) by Liu Songnian (劉松年 1155-1218), Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279), Handroll, ink and colours on silk, National Palace Museum, Taipei. Extracted from http://painting.npm.gov.tw/Painting_Page.aspx?dep=P&PaintingId=14350.


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Pu, Yingqiu., “An Analysis of the Social Functions of the Tea-Drinking Custom in Southwest China During the Tang-Song Dynasties,” Canadian Social Science 11 no. 1(2015): 211–217.

Huang, T. Huang., “Tea Processing and Utilisation,” in Joseph Needham’s Science and Civilisation in China, volume 6, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, 503–571.

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