Internal Factors

Our sustainability behaviour can also be largely shaped by internal factors, I have elaborated on these below.


  • people are more likely to reduce the amount of paper they use if they are aware of the information surrounding the issue. Hopefully you feel like this blog has been informative enough to have such an impact!
  • Knowledge will be most effective at reducing the paper use of those who already have the intention to use paper sustainable. If you feel like you are an environmentally concerned individual here is your chance to prove it.

Image result for theory of planned behavior

Attitudes attitudes can predict our behaviour. The diagram above is a model for the theory of planned behaviour. The diagram shows how our attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioural control affect our intentions and behaviour. With regards to reducing paper consumption:

Positive attitudes about paper consumption + belief that its normal to use less paper + believe that you can successfully reduce your paper consumption –> reduced paper consumption

Playful child with a Marvel Spider-Man shirt holding his arms out

Figure 2. Stay positive! (Nascimento, 2017)

So from this theory it follows that we need to encourage a more positive attitude towards paper consumption as well as peoples self efficacy (perceived ability) to control their paper use. If you feel like you can’t control your behaviour take a look at the ‘how you can help’ section of the blog for some suggestions.

People also need to feel responsible for the worlds excessive paper use if we are going to stand a chance at making them reduce their personal consumption. Feedback on our behaviours can often make the consequences of our actions more salient. So we could give reports to high consumption industries about their contribution to paper waste, to increase their responsibility.