
Most accredited zoos put significant amount of resources into educating and informing people about animals and their needs, as well as into protecting the animal species both in the zoo and in the wild. Zoos are also very conscious of their role in affecting the knowledge and attitudes of people about the wildlife.

Source: BBC News

Source: BBC News

There are currently a few number of zoos housing the Sun bear and these zoos are educating visitors with the Sun bears with information on their websites and adequate amount information boards at the exhibit. They aim to inform as much as they can about the sun bear to the public and also highlight and create awareness about the causes of their endangerment by including all relevant information with the exhibits and within their websites.

Here’s a video of the sun bears from Oakland Zoo

Keeping the Sun bears in the zoos allows protection of the sun bears and more research to be done as observations can be made on how the bear behaves. The zoos usually try to recreate the sun bear’s natural habitat to allow visitors to observe how the sun bears behave in their own habitat, hence allowing the visitors to know more about the Sun bear.

These are some of the zoos that house the Malayan Sun Bear:

  1. Singapore Zoological Gardens 
  2. San Diego Zoo
  3.  Oregon Zoo
  4. Edinburg Zoo
  5. Reid Park Zoo
  6. El Paso Zoo
  7. Atlanta Zoo