How to combat NDD – parental level

Here are some ways to prevent/combat NDD as a parent, taken straight from the man himself – Richard Louv.

1) Encourage camping trips with the family.

2) Go for hikes / nature walks (plenty of places to do that here!).

3) Invent nature games – for example, seeing who can spot the most birds, or pick up the most white-coloured seashells.

4) Plant a garden / grow something with your children.

5) Encourage children to build things with nature – sandcastles, forts, treehouses, huts etc. – the more imaginative the better.

6) Introduce “the green hour” into family life. This is a daily hour of unstructured play and interaction with the natural world. Unstructured play means the children can generate the stimulation and be free to create, rather than following instructions.

Remember that these are not intended as chores, but rather as opportunities to relieve stress. There are just some recommendations but of course the sky is the limit. See if you guys can think of any better ways, or if you remember how you interacted with nature as a child!


(Wee Heng via



“What a waste of time I had exploring pulau ubin, my children hated it” – Said no-one. Ever . smiley


PSY Batch 2010
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