Why aren’t we spending time with nature?

Starting this post off I want to mention a concept put forward by sociobiologist E. O. Wilson – the biophilia hypothesis. This proposes that we humans have a genetically-based predisposition to take a strong interest in and affiliate with plants, animals and landscapes. This would mean that it is inherently in us to seek out interaction with nature. Yet, newer generations, with the abundance of technology competing for their attention, are neglecting nature. I myself, find that oftentimes I debate whether to stay indoors on a sunny day and watch a movie, or go out cycling / head to Bukit Batok reserve near my house for a stroll. More than I would like, the movie wins. Personally its the heat that dissuades me, but on serious self-reflection something else is definitely amiss. Why must I make purposeful plans to go to a park or go cycling, and drag myself as if by obligation – if when I get there I am repaid with such joy. It’s as if technology hypnotizes us, traps us.


(via pixgood.com)

So how about the little ones? Sometimes it’s easier to just plonk them in front of a tv, or hand them an iPad to occupy them. With the busy schedules of the parents, it’s not always easy to take them outdoors.

Louv identifies 3 main causes of nature-deficit disorder –

1) Keeping children home for safety reasons.

2) Loss of nature areas.

3) Incentives to stay inside.

When we look at Singapore, number 1 doesn’t seem too relevant. Singapore is quite safe and here everything is regulated to a point where we practically have designated areas to ‘have fun’ and frolic. Number 2 is not so much of an issue yet, but could be a concern in the future. If Singapore is to expand something’s gotta give – this could well be a patch of green. Finally, number 3 is what I was referring to when I mentioned being hypnotized by TV. Particularly in Singapore, I see quite a huge dependence on Wi-fi. Everywhere you look people are glued to their phones/tablets/laptops – on MRTs, in Starbucks, at dinner with friends, even concerts. Weren’t we supposed to be watching JLo at the F1, not our phones?



As a foreigner, I don’t know much yet about how nature-deficit disorder in Singapore. I’ll do some digging ASAP, so expect a future post on this!



Put that phone away…go outside and play! smiley



PSY Batch 2010
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