Captive Breeding

Efforts to conserve the Proboscis Monkeys has been ongoing from preserving their natural habitat to even rearing them in captivity. Despite difficulties in sustaining their populations in captivity due to their unique diet restrictions, some success has been met especially in the case of the Singapore Zoo.

Proboscis Monkey In SIngapore Zoo
Proboscis Monkey In SIngapore Zoo


Why keep them in captivity?

Despite the Indonesian Government along with NGO’s best efforts,  ongoing destruction of natural habitats, forest fires, and relentless hunting are still causing a huge dent in the population of Proboscis Monkeys. Therefore, before the species reaches a state of no return, it is extremely important to breed them in zoos to at least preserve a viable captive population (Agoramoorthy et al. , 2004).

Furthermore,  keeping and displaying them in zoos would allow pro conservationist  a great opportunity to garner public support for the preservation of this species along with its various habitats.

Can Proboscis Monkeys be Sustained in Captivity?

Although being an extremely difficult task, maintaining proboscis monkeys in zoos is possible if caretakers strictly follow proper husbandry methods and nutritional management plans.


Zoo’s Beyond Indonesia, Sustaining Proboscis Monkeys

  1. The Bronx Zoo
  2. The Singapore Zoo

The Singapore Zoo

Challenges Faced

  • Availability of a specialised Diet for the animal
  • Lack of knowledge regarding the natural history of these animals
  • Lack of knowledge on husbandry and nutritional methods
Singapore Zoo Enclosure

Factors of Success

  1. Disturbances by the staff and visitors were reduced
    • Only 2 keepers were allowed in close proximity to the Monkeys.
    • Visitors can only view the Monkeys through a glass panel reducing noise disturbances
    • Visitors non-threatening  behaviour also helped
  2. Veterinary aid was kept to a minimum
    • Antibiotics only used as a last resort.
  3. Naturalistic exhibit
    • Thick vegetation, tall climbing structures with various branches .
    • Gave rise to better environmental and behavioral enrichment.
  4. Strict Hygiene Practices
    •  Allowed the containment of contagious diseases away from Proboscis Monkey population.
  5. Dedicated animal keepers
    • Reduced in onset of stress-induced illnesses
  6. Specialised Diet Given
    • Freshly cut natural food plants coupled with vitamins and supplements are given on a daily basis.






Conservation Psychology