Final Thoughts

To all pre-existing and potential owners, here are some things you might wish to consider before committing yourself to a life-time of responsible African Grey ownership.

            Are you equipped and ready to own an African Grey?

Greys need ATTENTION 

Greys are highly intelligent creatures who need to be regularly stimulated. This requires time and patience on your part to train your grey. Greys are especially prone to self-mutilation as a result of boredom. To keep them entertained, purchase toys for them to play with. If you neglect your grey, it could get depressed and resort to screaming, making your life miserable too.


They are heavily dependent on their flock, in this case, their owners and family. Subjecting the parrot to loneliness in an enclosed room, away from social interaction would be cruel.

Greys can be NOISY

You might get lucky and wind up with a good-natured, less noisy grey. However, they are all bound to make noise eventually. They instinctively call out at specific times of the day, as if calling out to their flock. Especially with a species that is widely known for mimicry, you’re in for an earful!

Greys can be DESTRUCTIVE

Perching your grey, or any parrot, on furniture is extremely discouraged. These curious creatures have a flair for chewable objects and would leap at every opportunity to taste something new. Your unsupervised furniture would be found in crumbs on the floor (please don’t do the same to your grey!).

Greys can get FAT

Domesticated birds are at risk for obesity because of lack of physical activity, flight. Provide a large enough play space for greys to be able to flap their wings.

Greys are MESSY

No matter what they eat, they will POOP. Unlike dogs, it would be a challenge to toilet train Greys. Therefore, owning one would require cleaning up essentially everything you feed your grey. 

Ultimately, whatever your choice, remember that your actions have repercussions.

If you decide to own a grey, be committed to caring and loving it, and always remember that as a pet owner, you are a contributor to the wild bird trade and the decreasing population trend!

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