Global Warming

Global Warming, is Singaporean’s top environmental concern.

There is an annual increment of 0.8°C with regards to the mean temperature of Singapore, since 1984. This increment should have been foreseen as Singapore hike up the route to urbanization. Urbanization requires natural land to be replaced by buildings and other infrastructures that retain or produce heat.

“And with heat stress, what would humans use to relieve it?”


Air-conditioners are one of the products that increases Singapore’s energy demands majorly, which results in greater domestic carbon emissions. Additionally, with deforestation taking place, there will be lesser greens in our country to cleanse the air we breathe. Thus, urbanization through deforestation could intensify the detrimental effects of global warming.

Meranti Tree in Singapore Botanical Gardens


Global warming is also a factor of climate change, as it involves severe dry periods and intense rainy periods. This seasonality is very worrying. Plants and animals may not be able to adapt to these rather extreme conditions. Especially, during dry periods for trees and plants. Thus, this is worrying, as we may lose vulnerable yet useful trees, such as the Timber species: Nutmeg, Kedongdong/Ambarella and Meranti.


Another threat of global warming would be the warmer water temperatures. Channel News Asia reported that a recent local study predicted that temperatures could rise  almost five degrees more by 2070, if greenhouse gas emissions driven by urbanization is not curbed.

Giant Clam found in Singapore’s Sisters Island



With warmer waters in the future, experts predicted that 10-25% of the marine species in Singapore could go extinct. Giant clams, sea-grass, coral reefs, and even mangroves are at risk.



Get to know more about this from the following Channel News Asia video:

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