An Elephant Never Forgets

An Elephant Never Forgets – A Groundbreak Productions Feature Documentary from Groundbreak Productions on Vimeo.

Reference: Reinhard, G. (Producer), & O’Regan, M. (Director). (2014). An Elephant Never Forgets [Motion Picture]. Thailand: Groundbreak Productions.

An Elephant Never Forgets is a documentary that provides great insights into the living and working conditions of elephants used in the tourism industry. In this documentary, the haunting truth behind elephants’ obedience is revealed explicitly. The future is bleak for our giant friends as they are being captured and chained up with barely any space for movement.

In this documentary, one thing that left a great impression on me is when the author explained how tourists who visit the elephant camps have absolutely no idea of what is actually happening behind closed doors! Hence, this leads you to wonder if ignorance and really a bliss?

I would urge each and every one of you to watch this documentary as it depicts the elephant’s plagued future.


(Refer to “Ethical Interactions” or “Conserving Elephants“)

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