
Humanity is in communion with nature in life as well as in death”

– Bible, Genesis 1-3

Christianity teaches that God loves and cares for all aspects of His creation, which includes the natural world. In fact, creation itself is seen by Christians as the result of the loving action of God.

Christianity also believes that God has left traces and signs of Himself in the natural order of the world, and thus Nature is not something that humans can use carelessly. Nature contains within itself divine messages which people can recognise and reflect upon, or at the other extreme, ignore. Thus nature, with all the myriad of creatures existing as part of it, do have unique places in God’s creation.

“Christians, in particular, realise that their responsibility within creation and their duty towards nature and the Creator are an essential part of their faith.”

– Pope John Paul II, World Day of Peace 1990

This duty, mentioned by the Pope in the quote above, involves more than just being nature’s stewards. Human beings are to be the companions of nature and help her develop along the journey towards eternal life where creation will be transfigured into “new heavens and new earth”.

Christians ultimately have the challenge to recognise that God’s love is for all creation, not only humans,  and should adopt lifestyles which will bring balance back to the planet.

