About Me


My name is Huda and thanks for reading my blog. I hope you liked it 😀

There’s nothing much to say about me, except that, like most people, I really appreciate and respect nature and its beauty, and I think it would be a huge shame and an ultimate failure on the part of humans if we somehow manage to destroy it beyond repair in a few generations! However, I’m still struggling to live in a more environmentally-friendly way. It’s really tough, because sometimes you get lazy and complacent, or you don’t realise you’re doing things that are harmful to the environment. But I guess you just have to keep on trying and reminding yourself.

I chose Environmentalism and Religion as my blog topic because I found what we were taught in class about the one-with-nature religions of Native Americans and Papua New Guineans  really interesting. When we moved on to the major religions and how they viewed the environment, the topic got even more interesting. I felt like I didn’t know my own religion (Islam) well enough, because I was largely unaware of its approach towards nature. This blog was a way for me to find out what I didn’t know, and hopefully you enjoyed the journey as well.