Government Action


The government plays a big role in combatting the environmental problems associated with tourism in Bali.


Many of the current environmental problems currently faced by the island are due to the lack of enforcement of current laws. As the economy of Bali is so dependent on tourism, a blind eye is often turned to the problems as the short term benefits seem to outweigh the costs.

Bali currently has strict laws concerning the proper disposal of waste in designated areas, however, these laws are not enforced well, and are often ignored. Surveys conducted found that there were illegal dumpsites all over the island, despite strict laws prohibiting the careless disposal of waste.

To ensure better enforcement of laws, fines can be administered to the companies or people who contribute to the pollution problem on the island. These fines can vary depending on the severity and impact of the action.

Land Clearing

Governments play the biggest role in the issue of land clearing and conversion into more urbanised areas. Governments can implement laws that prohibit clearing more than a certain percentage of land in any given area. This would slow down the current uncontrollable conversion of natural land areas into concrete.

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