This studio project explores the possibility of a connection – material and imagined – across space and time.STudent ProPOSALS
In Studio (RE)CONNECTIONS 2, 22 local undergraduate and exchange students at Nanyang Technological University Singapore worked together in multi-disciplinary teams to produce five unique planning proposals to re-imagine and re-connect the NTU campus with the original NTU gateway arch. A diverse class of students from France, Sweden, Denmark, USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore who are enrolled in a variety of disciplines, such as Public Policy & Global Affairs, Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy, Geography, Business, Communications Studies, Environmental Science, Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering worked in teams of four to five on the project between September to November 2019, as part of the course in Urban Life and Urban Planning (HU2002). Here’s a picture of this class!

A fun shot to mark our last day of class. With us, is our guest critic, urban planner Denise Loh from the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Singapore. November 14 2019