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Bangkok Business Challenge and Asia Venture Challenge 2015

Submitted by Jeffery Zou, Co-Chair of the Banking & Finance Club

A team from the Nanyang Business School comprising of Jeffery Zou, Stephanie Zhao, Sona Sethi, and Dr. I Putu Mahendra Wijaya participated in the Bangkok Business Challenge and Asia Venture Challenge in February and March 2015 respectively, both held at Bangkok. The team was guided by NBS’s Prof Vijay Sethi.

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Homecoming Party for the Champion Team

Submitted by Reina Wong, Student Exco VP Communications

The Nanyang MBA participated in the John Molson MBA International Case Competition held on 5 to 9 January at Montreal, Canada. The team comprising of Cory Reid, Aswathi Suresh, Sunitha Vijiyasingam and Jonah Wong emerged as division champion, and eventually beat all other semi-finalists and finalists and emerged as the champion team. In fact, the team won every single round of the 7 intensive cases throughout the competition. It is also the first time an Asian school won in this prestigious international competition. (News coverage on Channel News Asia, Straits Times, NTU Website)

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