Beyond Gender – How Our Women Alumni are Redefining Leadership

Beyond Gender – How Our Women Alumni are Redefining Leadership

Women leaders around the world are making waves in their respective industries and bringing their organisations to new heights. Likewise, women executives from our Nanyang EMBA family have been trailblazers in their respective fields too. They have successfully overcome the challenges of rising through the ranks to bring about significant transformation in their fields.

The EMBA For The Future: How Nanyang Business School Prepares You For The New Economy

The EMBA For The Future: How Nanyang Business School Prepares You For The New Economy

Damian Leach describes his career growth as “exponential” since he graduated from Nanyang Business School’s Executive MBA (EMBA) programme in 2016. As Head of Collaboration and Communications for End User Services at Standard Chartered Bank, Damian now looks after 175 people, covers 200 products, and controls a multimillion-dollar budget. He credits Nanyang Business School (NBS) in Singapore for giving him the skills that propelled him into the next phase of his career, Damian credits the EMBA programme in advancing his career to take on greater responsibilities in the bank.