NTU Library is continuously improving its facilities to make it a better place for users to study, learn, collaborate, share, innovate, relax, recharge and contemplate. Over the past few months of 2018, we have worked with various collaborators on a few projects to upgrade the facilities at our libraries. The projects (4 for Lee Wee Nam Library and 1 for Chinese Library) have been completed recently and here are the updates:
1. Chairs in Lee Wee Nam Library get reupholstered and repaired
Chairs in Lee Wee Nam Library are subjected to a lot of wear and tear. As a result, most of the chairs end up in very poor condition, e.g. some chairs have dirty stains on the fabric and some chairs have broken mechanisms affecting seat position settings.
We initiated a project in March to revive the chairs. The project was completed in July and 568 chairs have been reupholstered and repaired.
Before reupholstery and repair | After reupholstery and repair |
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2. New sunblock roller blinds at Lee Wee Nam Library Level 2 windows to minimise the heat and glare
The morning and evening sun has raised the temperature of the seating areas at Lee Wee Nam Library Level 2 to an uncomfortable level. Sunlight which passes through the windows has contributed to a lot of heat and glare to the computer screens provided at this area.
In view of the good feedback that we have received on the installation of the Polyester sunblock roller blinds at Level 3 last year, we carried out another new project to install the same type of sunblock roller blinds at Level 2 to minimise the heat and to ease the glare problem. The installation was completed in July and about 70 panels have been installed.
3. Lift in Lee Wee Nam Library is back in service
After 8 months of closure, the lift (NS3-3A lift) in Lee Wee Nam Library is finally back in service.
The lift which provides easy access to different floors of Lee Wee Nam Library had undergone a major overhaul and upgrade since Jan 2018.
The life cabin has been completely changed and the whole system has been examined, inspected and tested to ensure it has fulfilled BCA’s (Building and Construction Authority) new requirements for lift systems.
We will continue to work with relevant parties in NTU to conduct regular maintenance for the lift to ensure the safety and reliability of use.
4. New access gates installed in Lee Wee Nam Library
Lee Wee Nam Library has installed the security gates in June. For more information, do read the New access gates @ Lee Wee Nam Library blog post.
5. Fire sprinkler system operates in Chinese Library
Fire protection and prevention are important. Installing a fire sprinkler system is a good preventive measure to take. As such, we have worked with the Office of Development & Facilities Management and contractors to install the fire sprinkler system at the Chinese Library.
The completion of the fire sprinkler system installation at the Chinese library in September has also meant that all libraries in NTU are now having full fire sprinkler coverage.
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Such projects happen continuously throughout the year for the sake of our users’ comfort and security. So do hang out at NTU Library whenever you can!