The Pocket Mentor Series by Harvard Business Press gives readers a quick, succinct overview of the common challenges faced by managers on a daily basis and offers solutions for the situations discussed. Each book in the series contains handy tools and real-life examples to help managers identify their strengths and weaknesses, and hone critical skills. As the name suggests, these pocket-sized guides are especially useful as they provide bite-sized snippets of information for busy managers on the go.

A select list of titles are as follows:

In this book, you will find valuable advice on forming virtual teams, assessing their communication and technology needs, and ensuring that they produce high-quality work.

This volume helps you master the challenging art of strategy execution. You will learn how to craft action plans for the strategic initiatives required to meet your goals. Additionally, you will also learn how to keep your action plans on course despite the inevitable setbacks and surprises.

To survive in today’s competitive climate, businesses must constantly innovate and this hinges on creativity–generating novel and useful ideas. Learn how to foster creativity in your team by unleashing your staff’s innovative powers.

In the business world, confrontations are inevitable — whether they’re with your employees, peers, bosses, or even suppliers and customers. Ignored or handled badly, confrontations can damage workplace relationships and ruin careers. This volume helps you master the art of effectively managing difficult interactions.

How can you boost the odds of making the best decisions for your organization? This volume reveals key strategies for handling each step in the decision-making process.

Check out other titles in the Pocket Mentor Series at our library for more great reads!