Meeting 09 🧐



  • Modify the code and interface to allow both motors to rotate in the opposite directions for the tank to turn left and right 


Task Accomplished:  

  • Modified code and interface to ensure both motors rotate in opposite direction successfully 


After the short weekend break 🌞 , we decided to continue coding for the motors. Previously, we managed to rotate the motors by entering some code and allow the rc car to achieve translational motion (moving forward and backward). Today, we attempted to code for the motors to rotate in different directions for the tank to turn left and right. We then added this to the previous code and created an interface with all 4️⃣ functions (forward, backward, left and right). 



We also attempted to code some lines out for the stepper motor which will be used for the rotating platform for the transceiver at the robot end.  

Kelvin and Qi Jie (one of the lab guys) were also present at the lab today and we had a short discussion about the transceivers and how to make the signals stronger. Evidently, reflection of the signals off the wall will result in attenuation, resulting in signal loss and weakening the signals remarkably especially when the number of reflections increase. The transceivers will definitely work better in an open space but we have to test out how far the signals can go when there are obstacles in between as there will also be obstacles in real-life situations. 🙌 🙌 🙌 

As much as we felt that we tried to figure as many things out as we can, there seems to be even more things to be done including audio processing and more experimenting with the transceivers so we will see you soon! 😄😄😄

Here is a picture of our group identity! 

We swear we are not as devil-ish as our group identity above!! 😈 😈 😈

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