Meeting 16 🧐



  • Continue working on moving the tank independently 
  • Modify code to solve any unforeseen circumstance  
  • Mount the rotatable turntable on the platform using supports so that the turntable does not topple 
  • 3D-design more platforms to organise and place battery and ethernet switch (so that they do not topple) 
  • Think about where to place the different parts of the robot and on which platform  


Tasks Accomplished: 

  • Tank was able to move independently (without being connected to a monitor or a power plug; we connected it using a high-power battery)  
  • Modified code such that tank can move forward, backward, left, right, forward left, forward right, backward left, backward right (8 functions instead of the previous 4)  
  • 3D designed and printed disc stabalisers to hold the rotatable turntable in place, stabaliser to hold ethernet switch in place and a small platform to put the battery on since the original platform is not large enough to hold the many parts in place 


We tried to connect to the rpi on the tank such that we can remotely control the tank without having to connect the tank to any screen or power plugs and… it worked today! (Yesterday’s didn’t work because we connected to the NTU Secure WIFI on the RPI screen… we turned off the WIFI in the rpi today and all worked well!) Below is a video showing how the tank moved based on what the person with the laptop (one of our members in the lab) pressed. Just a recap – W stands for forward, S for backward, A for left and D for right. 🙂🙂🙂



We split our work afterwards where one of us went to modify the code to account for forward left, forward right, backward left and backward right as we realise that the tank always has to stop before it turns left or right and when it is turning it cannot go forward or backward.  

The rest of us went on to designing more platforms to place the electronic parts as we realise that we needed more space for better organisation, placement of parts and cable management.  

It was a longer day than we realise and we still have to work on the IMU and the servo motor but we will continue researching during the weekends not forgetting that we want to mount the parts on the robot, test the camera and continue on making the audio work (preferably before the next meeting but time is really tight)! 🕐 🕑 🕒 🕓 

Nonetheless, we still will try our best ehe as always! 💪💪💪

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