- Continue testing audio to achieve live streaming and stereo effect (uv4l, FFmpeg)
- Test IMU and integrate with the finding of the strongest signal strength
Tasks Accomplished:
- Managed to stream stereo sounds but the live-streaming is not working as well (with a lot of static + poor sound quality)
- Coded for the IMU to make the transceiver turn in both clockwise and anticlockwise directions at suitable speeds
Our updates might appear more stagnant this week because of… our audio! However, as we continued trying the different methods and software, we found more hope in getting the live-streaming of stereo sounds we wanted. Today, we tried uv4l and FFmpeg and yes we did manage to stream stereo sounds but the live-streaming came alongside with a lot of static and poor sound quality which we could not get rid of no matter how much we tried to google and change the codes.
We also managed to code the IMU (coding again!) to make the transceiver turn both clockwise and anticlockwise at suitable speeds when the robot platform is turning to compensate for the loss in signals. This is essential because our robot solely depends on the signal between the access point and the client transceiver and maintaining the connection is necessary otherwise, when connection is lost, not only we cannot livestream video and audio to the user but also, the user will not be able to control the robot’s movement, thus totally losing control of it. It was a slow day but we are still pushing on 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻