In this interview, we speak to Kow Zi Shan, a former science communications #SGUnited Trainee with the College of Science and alumna of the Asian School of the Environment. Now embarking on a new journey as a Transmedia Science Writer with the Singapore Science Centre, she recounts her experience during her short but meaningful time as part of the communications team in CoS.
Sea Level Change – a Growing Threat to Coastal Cities
Coastal cities like Singapore are heavily affected by changing sea levels. Two scientists from ASE, Associate Professor Adam Switzer and Professor Benjamin Horton are leading teams to look for solutions to help mitigate the effects.
ASE student Chai Min Wei winner of NTU PEAK best ideation award
Congratulations to ASE student Chai Min Wei, a final year geoscience student who recently took part in NTU Peak, and was part of the team awarded Best Ideation.
CoS faculty named amongst world’s most highly cited researchers
The College of Science celebrates the faculty members who have been named to the 2020 Highly Cited Researchers list.
NERC-NRF SEAP Grant to Assoc Prof Federico Lauro and Team to Study Marine Plastic Pollution in Southeast Asia
A multidisciplinary team of researchers, including Associate Professor Federico Lauro (PI) and Assistant Professor Patrick Martin (Co-I) from ASE, have been awarded the NERC-NRF SEAP research grant to study marine microplastic waste in Southeast Asia.
CoS Collaborative Research Award Winners to Develop Environmentally Friendly Procedure for Environmental Nitrate Measurements
Congratulations to Assistant Professor Patrick Martin (ASE) and Associate Professor Soo Han Seen (SPMS) for winning the College of Science (CoS) collaborative research project to develop a more environmentally friendly procedure for nitrate analysis.
Wastewater, COVID-19’s Canary in a Coal Mine
For the last several months, Associate Professor Janelle Thompson, a Principal Investigator at the Asian School of the Environment and the Singapore Centre for Environmental Life Sciences Engineering, has been leading a team of scientists in conducting a survey of wastewater surveillance approaches to aid in COVID-19 epidemiology.
Conservation Work Through Targeted Online Advertising – The Case of the Saiga Antelope
With the use of online advertising and news coverage, Assistant Professor Janice Lee, Dr. Hunter Doughty and co-authors bring to light the potential of strategic online advertising as a tool for promoting more sustainable consumer choices.
ASE faculty awarded project approval under Joint Genome Institute’s Community Science Program
The Joint Genome Institute’s (JGI) highly competitive Community Science Program has recently awarded project approval to Assistant Professor Adriana Lopes dos Santos of the Asian School of the Environment (ASE) for a new research venture on unicellular green algae.
Impact of Climate & Land Use Change Override Natural History in Influence on Forest Ecosystems, Global Study Shows
Global climatic and land-use changes are the factors that most strongly influence change in terrestrial ecosystems today, shows a recent global study published in Nature Communications co-authored by ASE researchers Dr Kenny Png and Professor David Wardle.