RCYNTU Blood Donation Drive

RCYNTU Blood Donation Drive

Preparing the area to host blood donors. Donors taking temperature at the Pre-screening Station. Nurse from Health Sciences Authority doing a blood hemoglobin test on a potential blood donor. A happy volunteer manning the Health Screening Stations. Friends coming...
One Life Saved 2020

One Life Saved 2020

Participants practicing bandaging techniques on each other. Teaching the theory content to participants in between hands-on practice. Demonstrating the secondary survey. Correcting common bandaging mistakes. Demonstrating how to bandage an arm. Working towards the...


Getting ready to start the hand sanitiser dispensing exercise. Greeters at the door carrying out precaution measures before entering the collection venue. Smiling to brighten up the day! Checking to ensure that the bottle labels are correct and sticks well to the...