Soil Water Characteristic Curve

Soil Water Characteristic Curve [SWCC]

Definition: Main properties of unsaturated soil which describes the relationship between volumetric water content (ᶿw) and matric suction (ua-uw).


Typical desorption SWCC showing distinct zones of desaturation, Fredlund et al 2012


Soil-water Characteristic Curves for different soil types, Fredlund et al 2012

Variables of SWCC, Fredlund et al 2012


Bimodal SWCC, Satyanaga et al 2013




Scanning curves used to define drying and wetting of unsaturated soil , Pham et al 2003



  1. Priono, Rahardjo, H., Chatterjea, K., Leong, E. C. and Wang, J. Y. (2015). “Effect of hydraulic anisotropy on soil-water characteristic curve.” Soils and Foundations, Japanese Geotechnical Society, 56(2), 228-239. doi
  2. Rahimi, A. and Rahardjo, H. (2016). “A new approach to improve soil-water characteristic curve to reduce variation in estimation of unsaturated permeability function.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 53, 1-9. doi
  3. Rahimi, A., Rahardjo, H. and Leong, E. C. (2015). “Effects of soil-water characteristic curve and relative permeability equations on estimation of unsaturated permeability function.” Soils and Foundations, Japanese Geotechnical Society, December, 55(6), 1400–1411. doi
  4. Wijaya, M., Leong, E. C. and Rahardjo, H. (2015). “Effect of shrinkage on air-entry value of soils.” Soils and Foundations, Japanese Geotechnical Society, February, 55(1), 166-180. doi
  5. Rahimi, A., Rahardjo, H. and Leong, E. C. (2015). “Effect of range of soil-water characteristic curve measurements on estimation of permeability function.”Engineering Geology, February, 185, 96-104. doi
  6. Zhai, Q. and Rahardjo, H. (2013). “Quantification of uncertainties in soil–water characteristic curve associated with fitting parameters.” Journal of Engineering Geology, June, 163, 144-152. doi
  7. Rahardjo, H., Satyanaga, A., Leong, E. C. and Wang, J. Y. (2013). “Unsaturated properties of recycled materials.”  Journal of Engineering Geology, April, 161, 44-54.
  8. Satyanaga, A., Rahardjo, H., Leong, E. C. and Wang, J. Y. (2013). “Water characteristic curve of soil with bimodal grain-size distribution.” Computer and Geotechnics, January, 48, 51-61. doi | handle
  9. Fredlund, D. G., Rahardjo, H. and Fredlund, M. D. (2012). Unsaturated soil mechanics in engineering practice, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 926 pages (ISBN 978-1-118-13359-0). doi
  10. Zhai, Q. and Rahardjo H. (2012). Reply to Discussion by Bellia Z, Mohamed R, Dadouch M and Ghembaza M on “Determination of soil-water characteristic curve variables.” by Zhai Q. and Rahardjo H. (2012). Computers and Geotechnics, 42, 37-43. Published in Computers and Geotechnics, September, 45, 151-152. doi | handle
  11. Zhai, Q. and Rahardjo H. (2012). “Determination of soil-water characteristic curve variables.” Computer and Geotechnics, January, 42, 37-43. doi | handle
  12. Rahardjo, H., Satyanaga, A., D’Amore, G. A. R. and Leong, E. C. (2012). “Soil-water characteristic curves of gap-graded soils.” Journal of Engineering Geology , January, 125, 102–107. doi | handle
  13. Nishimura, T., Koseki, J., Fredlund, D. G. and Rahardjo, H. (2012). “Microporous membrane technology for measurement of soil-water characteristic curve.” Geotechnical Testing Journal Symposium in Print: Innovations in Characterizing the Mechanical and Hydrological Properties of Unsaturated Soils, ASTM International, January, 35(1), 1-8. doi
  14. Rahardjo, H., Vilayvong, K. and Leong, E. C. (2011). “Water characteristic curves of recycled materials.” Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM International, January, 34(1), 1-8. doi | handle
  15. Chin, K. B., Leong, E. C. and Rahardjo, H. (2010). “A simplified method to estimate the soil-water characteristic curve.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, December, 47(12), 1382-1400. doi | handle
  16. Yoo, K. S. and Rahardjo, H. (2010). “Modification of volumetric pressure plate extractor.” Journal of ASTM International, 7(9), (October, 2010). doi | handle
  17. Krisdani, H., Rahardjo, H. and Leong, E. C. (2008). “Measurement of geotextile-water characteristic curve using capillary rise principle.” Geosynthetics International Journal, 15(2), 86-94. doi
  18. Leong, E. C., Widiastuti, S. and Rahardjo, H. (2007). “Accuracy of suction measurements.” Geotechnique, 57(6), 547–556. doi
  19. Thu, T. M., Rahardjo, H. and Leong, E. C. (2007). “Soil-water characteristic curve and consolidation behavior of a compacted silt.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, March, 44(3), 266-275. doi | handle
  20. Thu, T. M., Rahardjo, H. and Leong, E. C. (2007). “Elastoplastic model for unsaturated soil with the incorporation of soil-water characteristic curve.”Canadian Geotechnical Journal, February, 44, 67-77. doi | handle
  21. Indrawan, I. G. B., Rahardjo, H. and Leong, E. C. (2007). “Drying and wetting characteristics of a two-layer soil column.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, February, 44, 20-32. doi | handle
  22. Tami, D., Rahardjo, H. and Leong, E. C. (2007). “Characteristics of scanning curves of two soils.” Soils and Foundations, Japanese Geotechnical Society, February, 47(1), 97–109. doi | handle
  23. Indrawan, I. G. B., Rahardjo, H. and Leong, E. C. (2006). “Effects of coarse-grained materials on properties of residuals soil.” Journal of Engineering Geology, January, 82(3), 154 – 164. doi | handle
  24. Yang, H., Rahardjo, H., Leong, E. C. and Fredlund, D. G. (2004). “Factors affecting drying and wetting soil-water characteristic curves of sandy soils.”Canadian Geotechnical Journal, October, 41(5), 908 – 920. doi | handle
  25. Leong, E. C., Tripathy, S. and Rahardjo, H. (2004). “A modified pressure plate apparatus.” Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM International, May, 27(3), 322 – 331. doi | handle
  26. Leong, E. C., Tripathy, S. and Rahardjo, H. (2003). “Total suction measurements of unsaturated soils with a device using the chilled-mirror dew-point technique.” Geotechnique, 53(2), March, 173-182. doi | handle
  27. Pham, H. Q., Fredlund, D. G. and Barbour, S. L. (2003). “A Practical Hysteresis Model for the Soil-Water Characteristic Curve for Soils with Negligible Volume Change”. Geotechnique, 53(2), 293-298.
  28. Leong, E. C., He, L. and Rahardjo, H. (2002). “Factors affecting the filter paper method for total and matric suction measurements.” Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM International, September, 25(3), 322-333. doi | handle
  29. Aung, K. K., Rahardjo, H., Leong, E. C. and Toll, D. G. (2001). “Relationship between porosimetry measurement and soil-water characteristic curve for an unsaturated soil.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Special Issue on “Unsaturated and Collapsible Soils,” September, 19(3-4), 401-416. doihandle
  30. Agus, S. S., Leong, E. C. and Rahardjo, H. (2001). “Soil-water characteristic curves of Singapore residual soils.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Special Issue on “Unsaturated and Collapsible Soils,” September, 19(3-4), 285 – 309. doi | handle
  31. Leong, E. C. and Rahardjo, H. (1999).  Discussion on the paper entitled:  “Soil-water characteristic curves for compacted clays.” by Tinjum et. al. (1997).ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 123(11), 1060-1069.  Published inASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 125(7), July, 629-630. doi
  32. Leong, E. C. and Rahardjo, H. (1997). “A review on soil-water characteristic curve equations.” ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 123(12), December, 1106-1117. doi | handle