Vegetative Cover

Effect of vegetation on the stability of slope

Effect of vegetation on the stability of slope, Rahardjo et al 2014


 Pore-water pressure measurement at various depths

Pore-water pressure measurement at various depths of: (a) original slope, (b) the slope with Orange Jasmine, (c) the slope with Vetiver grass, (d) factor of safety variation, and (e) rainfall intensity, Rahardjo et al 2016 


Factor of safety of residual soil slope from old alluvium with and without vegetation

Factor of safety of residual soil slope from old alluvium with and without vegetation, Rahardjo et al 2014



  1. Rahardjo, H., Krisnanto, S. and Leong, E. C. (2016). “Effectiveness of capillary barrier and vegetative slope covers in maintaining soil suction.” Soil and Rocks Journal, Special topic on Theory and Practice of Unsaturated Soils Mechanics, January-April, 39(1), 51-68. 
  2. Rahardjo, H., Satyanaga, A., Leong, E. C., Santoso, V. A. and Ng, Y. S. (2014). “Performance of an instrumented slope covered with shrubs and deep rooted grass.” Soils and Foundations, Japanese Geotechnical Society, May, 54(3), 417-425. doi

Vetiver (deep-rooted grass)

(a) Vetiver (deep-rooted grass ) and

Orange Jasmine

(b) Orange jasmine (shrub) for minimizing rainwater infiltration, Rahardjo et al 2014

Green technology, an integrated design approach that combines vegetation and engineering design methods, can be applied to improve slope stability. Orange Jasmine is a small evergreen tropical shrub with deep root systems. Vetiver grass has been widely cultivated in many tropical and subtropical regions of the world for soil and water conservation, land rehabilitation and embankment stabilization. Vetiver grass has deep roots (2 to 4 m). The role of Orange Jasmine and Vetiver grass in minimizing rain water infiltration for improving stability of slope was investigated on a soil slope in Singapore under the tropical climate. The analyses indicated that the Orange Jasmine and Vetiver grass played a significant role in reducing rainwater infiltration into the slope, minimizing the loss of matric suction and hence shear strength of the soil during rainfall and as a result maintained stability of the slope. Both Vetiver grass and Orange Jasmine appeared to have similar effectiveness in reducing rainwater infiltration into the slope.