Shear Strength Results
Results of Shearing-infiltration Tests using Modified Direct Shear
Stress paths of direct shear test program, Melinda et al 2004
Displacement rate and matric suction during shearing, creep monitoring and infiltration, Melinda et al 2004
Vertical displacement and water volume change during shearing, creep monitoring and infiltration, Melinda et al 2004
Results of Shearing-infiltration Tests using Modified Triaxial Cell
Stress paths of triaxial test program, Meilani et al 2003
Stress paths from consolidated drained triaxial tests of specimens under various net confining pressures and 0 kPa matric suction, Meilani et al 2003
Stress paths from consolidated drained triaxial tests of specimens under various net confining pressures and 30 kPa matric suction, Meilani et al 2003
Failure envelope on the q versus (ua – uw) plane indicating the rate of change (ψb) in d with respect to changes in matric suction, Meilani et al 2003
Variation in deviator stress (σ1-σ3) in response to changes in axial strain (εy) during shearing-infiltration at a low infiltration rate, Meilani et al 2003
Variation in matric suction(ua – uw) in response to changes in axial strain (εy) during shearing-infiltration at a low infiltration rate, Meilani et al 2003
Variation in volumetric strain (εv) and water volume strain (εw) in response to changes in axial strain (εy) during shearing-infiltration at a low infiltration rate, Meilani et al 2003
- Melinda, F., Rahardjo, H., Han, K. K. and Leong, E. C. (2004). “Shear strength of compacted soil under infiltration condition.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, August, 130(8), 807 – 817. doi | handle
- Meilani, I., Rahardjo, H., Leong, E. C. (2003). “Shear strength characteristics under infiltration conditions.” Proceedings of 2nd Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils. Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Issues. Osaka, Japan, 11-12 November, 209-214.