A mini-alumni reunion cum farewell party was held in honour of Dr Abdus Sattar Chaudhry, former head of DIS, who was leaving to take up a position at the Universityof Kuwait. The dinner party was held on 27 February at the Riverwalk Tandoor along Clarke Quay.
Prof Abdus had been with the Division for 12 years, and played seminal roles in developing a flegling Information Studies program with 5 faculty members and an intake of 50 students a year, to a vibrant Division with 15 faculty members, 3 MSc programmes, an annual intake of 220 students and 1,400 applicants.
It was a cosy farewell, with Prof reminiscing about his time at NTU and catching up with ex-students. Prof Abdus hoped that his move to the Middle East will stimulate educational and research collaborations between DIS and information schools in the Middle East. Dr Chris Khoo, who joined DIS at about the same time as Prof Abdus, has taken over as the new Head of DIS.
Send your well-wishes to Prof Abdus at: abdussattar.chaudhry [at] ku.edu.kw

- Alumni and current students unite to bid adieu to Prof Abdus