Courses & Events – Tamil

Completed Courses

Micro Fictions for Tamil Language Writers Workshop

Micro Fictions for Tamil Language Writers Workshop

In this two-week Foundation to Intermediate course, Dr Suneel Krishnan offers an encouraging and informative workshop to help developing writers write micro fiction in the Tamil language. This course will be conducted in the Tamil language.

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Writer to Writer with Suneel Krishnan

Writer to Writer with Suneel Krishnan

Book a one-on-one mentoring session with award winning writer, Dr Suneel Krishnan, to discuss your writing project. Dr Krishnan will provide guidance to help your creative practice and support your writing life.

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Webinar on Contemporary Tamil Poetry for English-Language Poets

Webinar on Contemporary Tamil Poetry for English-Language Poets

This course will explore a broad selection of modern Tamil poems so you can acquire in-depth knowledge regarding the literary aesthetics, style and techniques employed in Tamil poetry. This course is designed for English language poets to understand more about Tamil poetry to help enrich their English language poetry.

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