i can’t even

In recent years, the world has been getting increasingly more aware of mental health issues. Besides therapy and consultations, there are more products created to support people with mental health issues, such as mindfulness journals, exercise guides, and even music playlists. However, the products are usually generalized. A self-care kit made specifically for me, i can’t even aims to retell the story of how my personal experience with mental health.

This project is intended to encourage the audience to learn about mental health and realize that people with mental health issues may have different mindsets and reactions to their situations. Through that, the audience is also encouraged to reflect on their own mental health and the way they cope with difficult days.


Pickle /noun/ dictionary.com

1. a liquid usually prepared with salt or vinegar for preserving or flavoring fish, meat, vegetables, etc.
2. (informal) a troublesome or awkward situation; predicament


What a pickle is a project on food waste and what a pickle it is. The project aims to create a space for consumers to wonder about food and discover their own meaning and stories to not waste the food they love; in hopes of discovering nostalgic memories and insights to why they eat what they eat, and preserve what they have found out and remember to make better choices to reduce food waste.


“Welcome to Build-A-Bae! A place where you can impose your preferences on someone at last, with no repercussions! Build the ideal girl in your life with us, we offer a full range from daughters to wives. Guaranteed 100% satisfaction, otherwise you can have your money back.”

Build-A-Bae is an installation with a pop-up store concept that is a satirical attempt to poke fun at the stereotypes our society has for females. As one goes on to build his/her “Bae”, they will discover the problems and paradoxes brought about by these female stereotypes, and finally coming to question the logic and relevance behind those imposing these female stereotypes onto the women in our society.


Singapore is a melting pot of culture and influences. Being in a cosmopolitan city that derives its influence from around the world, Singaporean females in comparison to its neighbouring counterparts have been known to enjoy a relative amount of freedom with regards to their education, career choices, behaviour and appearance. However, hidden behind this modernised cityscape is the fact that we are still an Asian society, and that females are still expected to fulfil traditional expectations placed onto them. Contextualizing the project within Third Wave Feminism theories of advocating for individualism and diversity for females, this project aims to address the problems and paradoxes that arises from existing female stereotypes in our society, and also to question the logic and relevance behind these female stereotypes.


Trich is a graphic novel that aims to explore how illustration and narratives can highlight and communicate psychological, social and emotional concerns by a person with Trichotillomania (a hair-pulling disorder).

Drawing from my personal experiences, the work is targeted towards others with Trichotillomania and their loved ones, to spread awareness and understanding on the condition.