Student Researchers

Student Researchers


FYP Student Researchers
Grace KON Xin Xuan
“Winning is every girl’s dream. But it’s my destiny. And my dream.” — Leslie Knope
FYP2024 Topic: CALMind: Compassionate Attentive Looking for Mindful inspiration, nourishment and discovery.
Steffi LIM Wan Yu
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”
FYP2024 Topic: Exploring the Psycho-Social Experience of Emerging Adults with Autoimmune Disease in Singapore.
SIM Tu Nghi 
“Keep moving forward.”
FYP2024 Topic: The Role of Self-Compassion in Resilience during School-to-Work Transition.
Sazmira ABDUL Ahad
“Everything Happens for a Reason”
FYP2024 Topic:
Striving through Caring: A Phenomenological Study of Flourishing in Dementia Family Caregivers.
LOH Sher Leng
“Enjoy being in the process of becoming.”
FYP2024 Topic: An Alternative Perspective to ‘Glass’: A Qualitative Study on the Resilience and Thriving of Glass Children in Singapore.
Kada CHAN Luo Ming 
“Remember: Why we do what we do.”
FYP2022 Topic: A Longitudinal Mixed Method Study on Psychosocial Quality of Life Trajectories of First-Time Stroke Patients and Their Family Caregivers in Singapore.
Charis CHIA 
“Live in the moment!”
FYP2022 Topic: Slow Art Plus: Developing and Piloting a Single Session Art Gallery-based Intervention for Mental Health Promotion via a Mixed Method Waitlist Randomized Control Trial (RCT)
Nicole LEO Sheng Shuen 
“I believe in angels, something good in everything I see.”
FYP2022 Topic: Understanding and Strengthening University Students’ Psycho-Socio-Emotional Wellness and Preparedness for COVID-19 and Future Pandemics: A Cross-Sectional Mixed-Methods Study
Bidhya LIM Limbu
“Rarely, if ever, are any of us healed in isolation. Healing is an act of communion.” — Bell Hooks
FYP2022 Topic: The Table to Console: A Novel Psychotherapeutic Culinary Grief Intervention (CGI) for Bereaved Family Caregivers in Singapore
Isabelle NG Jia Xuan
“Small steps are still steps forward.”
FYP2022 Topic: Understanding and Strengthening University Students’ Psycho-Socio-Emotional Wellness and Preparedness for COVID-19 and Future Pandemics: A Cross-Sectional Mixed-Methods Study

Nadya NG Shi Yuan
“Brevity is the soul of wit.”
FYP2022 Topic: The Table to Console: A Novel Psychotherapeutic Culinary Grief Intervention (CGI) for Bereaved Family Caregivers in Singapore
WE Jia Ning
“Just follow your heart and keep smiling!” — Kiki’s Delivery Service
FYP2022 Topic: A Longitudinal Mixed Method Study on Psychosocial Quality of Life Trajectories of First-Time Stroke Patients and Their Family Caregivers in Singapore.
Completed Graduate Researcher
NGO Thuy Anh
“Besides doing research, I have a passion for teaching and I enjoy reading fiction and trying out new recipes.”
Completed FYP Students
FYP2021 Topic: Mindful-Compassion Art Therapy for Dementia Care (MCAT-DC) – Empowering Resilience and Holistic Wellbeing for Sustainable Family Caregiving: A Waitlist Randomized Controlled Trial.
TAY An Ru Valery
FYP2021 Topic: Understanding and Strengthening University Students’ Psycho-Socio-Emotional Wellness and Preparedness for COVID-19 and Future Pandemics: A Cross-Sectional Mixed-Methods Study.
Crystal Ong Hui Min
FYP2021 Topic: A Longitudinal Mixed Method Study on Psychosocial Quality of Life Trajectories of First-Time Stroke Patients and Their Family Caregivers in Singapore.
Justin Randall DURNFORD
FYP2021 Topic: A Longitudinal Mixed Method Study on Psychosocial Quality of Life Trajectories of First-Time Stroke Patients and Their Family Caregivers in Singapore.
Joshua KOOI Han Wen
FYP2021 Topic: ARTISAN 2.0: Deconstructing the Integrative Efficacy of a Multi-Modal Art-Based Intervention to Strengthen Understanding and Demystify Misconceptions on Arts Heritage, and Health.
Reen HO Wan Li
FYP2021 Topic: Effects of Participatory Art-based Activity on Health of Older Community Dwellers: The Singapore A-Health Randomized Controlled Trial Study.
YAM Jodie
FYP2021 Topic: Effects of Participatory Art-based Activity on Health of Older Community Dwellers: The Singapore A-Health Randomized Controlled Trial Study
FYP2020 Topic: A Longitudinal Mixed Method Study on Psychosocial QOL Trajectories of First-Time Stroke Patients and Their Family Caregivers in Singapore.
Iswari Joyce KALIAPPAN
FYP2020 Topic: Mindful-Compassion Art Therapy for Dementia Care (MCAT-DC) – Empowering Resilience and Holistic Wellbeing for Sustainable Family Caregiving: A Waitlist Randomized Controlled Trial.
Jolene KONG Ling
FYP2020 Topic: Mindful-Compassion Art Therapy for Dementia Care (MCAT-DC) – Empowering Resilience and Holistic Wellbeing for Sustainable Family Caregiving: A Waitlist Randomized Controlled Trial.
Lynette TAN Shun Ying
FYP2020 Topic: Mindful-Compassion Art Therapy for Dementia Care (MCAT-DC) – Empowering Resilience and Holistic Wellbeing for Sustainable Family Caregiving: A Waitlist Randomized Controlled Trial.
Kristal NG Shi-En
FYP2020 Topic: Mindful-Compassion Art Therapy for Dementia Care (MCAT-DC) – Empowering Resilience and Holistic Wellbeing for Sustainable Family Caregiving: A Waitlist Randomized Controlled Trial.
Jasmine CHIA Jia Min
FYP2019 Topic: Writing to Heal: The Effectiveness of Narrative E-Writing Intervention Therapy in Improving the Psychosocial Well-Being of Parents of Children with Life-limiting Illnesses.
Phoebe CHIA Si Qi
FYP2019 Topic: A Longitudinal Mixed Method Study on Psychosocial QOL Trajectories of First‐Time Stroke Patients and Their Family Caregivers in Singapore
CHOO Jue Ying
FYP2018 Topic & URECA2017 Topic: A Novel Family Dignity Intervention (FDI) for Asian Palliative Care: A Multicentre Randomized Controlled Trial
Faith GUO Ruo Ting
FYP2019 Topic: “Development and Evaluation of a novel Narrative E-Writing Intervention (NeW-I) for Parents of Children with Life-Limiting Illness: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial for Advancing Holistic Paediatric Palliative Care and Parental Bereavement Support
Alvina KOO Min En
FYP2019 Topic: Non-Palliative Care Professionals Caring for End-of-Life Patients: A Lived Experience Study on Needs, Challenges and Actions for Strengthening Clinical Competency and Psycho-Socio-Emotional Capacity in Singapore
Joanna NG Qi Juan
FYP2019 Topic: Non-Palliative Care Professional (NPCPs) Caring for End-of-life Patients: A Lived Experience Study on Needs, Challenges and Actions for Strengthening Clinical Competency and Psycho-Socio-Emotional Capacity in Singapore
ONG Zhi Lei
FYP2019 Topic: Mindful-Compassion Art Therapy for Dementia Care (MCAT-DC) – Empowering Resilience and Holistic Wellbeing for Sustainable Family Caregiving: A Waitlist Randomized Controlled Trial
Xavierlyn TAN Zi Jie
FYP2019 Topic: A Longitudinal Mixed Method Study on Psychosocial QOL Trajectories of First‐Time Stroke Patients and Their Family Caregivers in Singapore
Bryan ANG Wei-En
FYP2018 Topic:  A Novel Family Dignity Intervention (FDI) for Asian Palliative Care: A Multicentre Randomized Controlled Trial
Janice LEONG Yee Teng
FYP2018 Topic: Risk Factors Associated with Suicidal Ideation in the Singapore Adolescent population.
TAN Chao Min
FYP2018 Topic: 回忆(huí yì): Exploring Life Review with Art for Nursing Home Residents who are Transitioning and Readjusting into Long-Term Care Facilities in Singapore.
TAN Jun Hao
FYP2018 Topic:  A Novel Family Dignity Intervention (FDI) for Asian Palliative Care: A Multicentre Randomized Controlled Trial
TAY Chu Yi
FYP2018 Topic:  A Novel Family Dignity Intervention (FDI) for Asian Palliative Care: A Multicentre Randomized Controlled Trial
WONG Su Ting
FYP2018 Topic:  A Novel Family Dignity Intervention (FDI) for Asian Palliative Care: A Multicentre Randomized Controlled Trial
Nabilah Binte AHMAD
FYP2017 Topic: The Smallest Coffins are the Heaviest: Lived Experience of Bereaved Parents in Singapore
Roxanne KOH
FYP2017 Topic: Coping among Terminally Ill Patients in Singapore: A Qualitative Study
SEE Wen Yi
FYP2017 Topic: A Qualitative Study on the Lived Experience of Bereaved Parents of Young Children: Advancing Parental Bereavement Care in Singapore and Greater Asia
Vivien SOH Xin Yi
FYP2017 Topic: A Multicentre Randomized Controlled Trial of a Novel Family Dignity Intervention (FDI) for Asian Palliative Care
FOOK Xing Hui
Completed FYP2016 Topic: Lived Experiences of Youths Serving the Probation Order: Study on the Factors for Desistance from Crime
Scarlet LEONG
Completed FYP2016 Topic: Arts for an Ageless Nation: A Pilot Study Examining the Perceptions and Experiences of Engaging with the Arts amongst 60-69 Years Old Seniors in Singapore
PANG Si Hui  
Completed FYP2016 Topic: Barriers and Success Factors for Sustained Employment for Persons Recovering from Mental Health Issues 
Pamela PHUA Hui Lun
Completed FYP2016 Topic:  The Arts for Ageing Well: Understanding Art Engagements among Singapore Young-Old Generations 
TOH Wee Peng
Completed FYP2016 Topic: Arts in the Lives of Singapore’s Seniors: Perceived Benefits, Barriers, and Strategies of Arts Participation  
YEO Zhi Zheng
Completed FYP2016 Topic: A Study on Attitudes towards Morality and End of Life Care Decisions among Singaporean Youths
Vanessa TAN Yu Qing
Completed FYP2016 Topic: Assessing Stress, Coping Mechanisms and Factors Relating to Job Satisfaction in Caregivers and Social Workers in Singapore
WU Minyu
Completed FYP2016 Topic: Lived Experince of Bereaved Parents of Young Children –  The Role of Spirituality and Religion for Coping with Loss
Daryl TONG
Completed FYP2016 Topic: Insights of Young Singaporean’s Perception on Jobs and Careers
Eunice LIM
Completed FYP2016 Topic: Caring of our Youth – Development and Evaluation of a Brief Mindful-Compassion Intervention for Stress Reduction and Wellbeing Promotion
LIEW Shi Hui
Completed FYP2016 Topic: Effectiveness of Mindful Compassion Art Therapy (MCAT) on Reducing Burnout
Nicole TAY
Completed FYP2015 Topic: The Current State and Future Direction of Palliative Care – A Systemic Review of Advance Care Planning and Advance Directive
Yvonene LEE
Completed FYP2015 Topic: Assessing Stress, Coping Mechanisms and Factors Relating to Job Satisfaction in Caregivers and Social Workers in Singapore
Jessica TAN & HOW Shi Ying
Completed FYP2015 Topic: The Dilemma of Asian Parenting in the 21st Century: A Conceptual and Empirical Review
Completed URECA Students
URECA2017 Topic: A Qualitative Study on the Lived Experience of Bereaved Parents of Young Children: Advancing Parental Bereavement Care in Singapore and Greater Asia
Graduated Affiliates
Celine ONG Shi Lin
Wendi TAN Hui Min
Ebenezer CHAN Jia Jun
CHEW Wei Fang 
Keith LIM