Tag Archives: talks

TEDxNTU | Food Voice : The identity you never knew you had

Presented by Asst Prof Paul Victor Patinadan

“”We all eat. It’s an indisputable natural fact, fueling our bodies with calories for energy and nutritional benefit. But here’s the intriguing question… How many of you truly LOVE to eat?””

In this captivating talk, Dr. Paul Victor Patinadan delves into the fascinating realm of Food Voices —a unique connection with food that begins from the day we are born and persists even after we die. Drawing from his extensive experience in Thanatology (i.e., study of death) – focused psychosocial interventions and therapies, Paul sheds light on profound realizations he has had of the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of our eating habits in his interactions with individuals at the end of life or those grieving the loss of a loved one.

Breaking the Wall of Undignified Dying in Asian Palliative Care

Breaking the Wall of Undignified Dying in Asian Palliative Care

Presented by Asst. Prof Paul Victor Patinadan

The Falling Walls Lab is an international forum for the next generation of outstanding innovators and creative thinkers. It aims to promote exceptional ideas and to connect promising scientists and entrepreneurs from all fields on a global level. Participants get the opportunity to present their research work, business model, or initiative to peers, a high-calibre jury made up of experts from academia and business, and the general public – in 3 minutes each.

Asst. Prof Paul Patinadan explores the concept of dignity in late stages of life, and using the Family Dignity Intervention (FDI) as a way of understanding the lived experiences of patients and their families.