Working with Gusto!

BLIP Lab is pleased to announce its involvement in collaborative research with the GUSTO Project, Singapore’s most comprehensive longitudinal birth cohort.  Six years ago, the project called ‘Growing Up in Singapore Towards healthy Outcomes (GUSTO) was launched to investigate links between maternal health during pregnancy, and babies’ outcomes. Now the children are all heading towards their sixth birthday, and the investigations continue. BLIP Lab’s work with the GUSTO team is investigating some of the relationships between different languages that children hear at home.

As part of our collaboration, we have also launched an investigation into how children in the GUSTO group link up the sounds of words to their possible meanings, using a fun game called Alien Zoo. In this game, children are visiting the Alien Zoo, when all of the friendly creatures have escaped, and become mixed up. Their job is to help the zookeepers sort  out which aliens are which, by guessing which ones make which noise, or have which name. This study will help us to understand how connections between the senses develop in children, and how these connections might relate to other skills that children will need in school.


If you would like to know more – or perhaps even try out the game yourself, you can find out more about it here, or via our GAMES page