Meeting Log

Meeting Log 1:

Location : North Spine Starbucks at 4pm  on 6th Feb

Topic of Discussion : Chemical concepts to discuss on the blog  and factors to focus.Discussed about draft submission due on saturday.

Tasks assigned : Research on Global warming topic and main themes to focus

Desmond, Fang Kai :  read up on the notes

Dharshanaa , Dhania: websites related to global warming

Edward, Edward: publication on global warming

Problems : Scope of topic is too vast, with many different articles and information too specified, with many different factors and causes

Solutions; We screened the possible known causes and narrowed down to a single problem to emphasize on the blog (carbon emission affecting ozone).

Meeting Log 2

Location : Chua Chu Kang Lot 1 Mac’Donalds

Date: 21/03/2015

Time : 9.30 am

Topic Of Discussion: Video Content and concept of shoot

Concept : To shoot a video with a documentary style

Tasks assigned :

All of us were involved in the making of the video, taking turns to shoot and giving our opinions.It took us about 2 hours to shoot the entire video at Chua chu kang Park Connector.